
Own the whole world

What a nice feeling when you dont have to explain something to someone and simply saying: it was mine and I did it ...
This morning I was coming to work. Parking was under construction. There was a narrow open area with a sharp curve. I turned the head of the car to the right and the right side of the door hit the pillar. When something happens its my habit to go forward and finish up the road whether its right or wrong instead of stop or move backward and this is exactly what I did while making a damage on the whole door.
The anger toward security guard who directed me to the narrow curve was a lot while deep down I knew that wasnt his fault.
for an hour I was upset for what I did for no reason to my car but later when Moe called, I told him what happened and said: "I hit the wall..."and added : "I just need you to see if you could make it right...".
I felt relaxed by saying that. Accepting my own fault, admit it, confess it with the confidence of what is belong to me does not have any explanation of why it happened , would make you feel that you own the world. Its a good feeling isnt it?
Was it true or false ? Use your imagination.



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